Fixel FFT Wizard 2 - Installation Guide

How to Install Fixel FFT Wizard

Fixel FFT Wizard Product and File Structure

What Is Fixel FFT Wizard?
Fixel FFT Wizard is a free, simple and effective Pattern Suppression FFT Plug In for Photoshop.
Product Download File Structure
When a user downloads the product it downloads a ZIP file which contain the following structure:
  • Fixel FFT Wizard <MajorVerion>.<MinorVersion>.<BuildNumber>.zip - The ZIP File container.
    • Fixel FFT Wizard <MajorVerion>.<MinorVersion>.<BuildNumber> - Windows Installer.exe - Windows Installer.
    • Fixel FFT Wizard <MajorVerion>.<MinorVersion>.<BuildNumber> - macOS Installer.dmg - macOS Installer.
    • Fixel Algorithms.url - Link to Fixel Algorithms Home Page.
    • Fixel FFT Wizard - Installation Guide.url - Link to Fixel FFT Wizard Installation Guide (This page).
    • Fixel FFT Wizard - Product Page.url - Link to Fixel FFT Wizard Product Page.
    • Fixel FFT Wizard - User Guide.url - Link to Fixel FFT Wizard User Guide.
    • Manual Installation Assets - Folder with Manual Installation assets.

Fixel FFT Wizard - Automatic Installation

Automatic Installation
Automatic installation is done by:
  1. Ensure Photoshop is closed.
  2. Extract the ZIP file on the local hard drive.
  3. Launch the installer:
    • Windows - Fixel FFT Wizard <MajorVerion>.<MinorVersion>.<BuildNumber> - Windows Installer.exe.
    • macOS - Fixel FFT Wizard <MajorVerion>.<MinorVersion>.<BuildNumber> - macOS Installer.dmg.
  4. Follow installer instructions.
  5. Launch Photoshop and use the Plug In.

Fixel FFT Wizard - Installation & First Use Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How to Launch the Fixel FFT Wizard UI?
Launching the UI is done like launching any HTML Panel in Photoshop: Window -> Extensions -> Fixel FFT Wizard 2.

Launching Fixel FFT Wizard UI
How to Launch Fixel FFT Wizard on Adobe Photoshop CC (All Versions)

If you can't find it there, it means the UI wasn't installed properly.
What Is Fixel Algorithms -> Fixel FFT Wizard Under the Filter Menu?
Fixel FFT wizard is a Plug In which is handled by its dedicated UI. The item Fixel Algorithms -> Fixel FFT Wizard means the Plug In was installed correctly and recognized by Photoshop. It shouldn't be used directly!
The macOS Installer Won't Run
After double clicking the dmg file in the open window use Right Click + Open to launch the installer pkg installer.
Does the Plug In and the Installer Work on macOS 10.15 Catalina?
Yes. The installer is properly signed and notarized and the Plug In is signed.
Why Does a User Account Control (UAC) Warning Appear When Installing on Windows?
Most of the EXE files downloaded from the Internet trigger this alerts on Windows (Which is good, people should be careful with pirated software on the Internet).
If you downloaded the product from us, you have nothing to be worried about. Users may use the MD5 table below to verify the file downloaded matches our file.

Fixel FFT Wizard 2 - Installers MD5 Hash Table

Why Are You Publishing This?
The idea is enabling our customers verify the have the file we intended them to have. It is important in our days with many Malwares distributed using pirated software.
The way to use it is after downloading the product you bought check its MD5 value. One could do that using WinMd5Free on Windows or md5sum on Mac OS X | check MD5 hashes on macOS.
Basically it verifies the digital signature of the file and ensures it is valid and its content is intact.
Fixel FFT Wizard 2.0.000
  • File Name - Fixel FFT Wizard
  • Creation Date - 06/06/2020.
  • MD5 - 0d165867ae77a5230657077c41f4fc07.

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