Fixel Recolor - Installation Guide

How to Install Fixel Recolor

Fixel Recolor Product and File Structure

What Is Fixel Recolor?
Fixel Recolor is an innovative Photoshop Plug In which lets the user recolor (Color Grade) an image using a color palette. The Fixel Recolor Plug In can also analyze an image and extract its color palette. Namely Fixel Recolor gives the user a full workflow to color grade an image.
Product Download File Structure
When a user downloads the product it downloads a ZIP file which contain the following structure:
  • Fixel Recolor <MajorVerion>.<MinorVersion>.<BuildNumber>.zip - The ZIP File container.
    • Fixel Recolor <MajorVerion>.<MinorVersion>.<BuildNumber> - Windows Installer.exe - Windows Installer.
    • Fixel Recolor <MajorVerion>.<MinorVersion>.<BuildNumber> - macOS Installer.dmg - macOS Installer.
    • Fixel Recolor - Product Page & User Guide.url - Link to Fixel Recolor Product Page (Contains User Guide).
    • Manual Installation Assets - Folder with Manual Installation assets.
      • Fixel Color Analyzer <MajorVersion>.8bf - Windows Plug In.
      • Fixel Color Analyzer <MajorVersion>.plugin - macOS Plug In.
      • com.fixelalgorithms.fixelrecolor<MajorVersion> - HTML Panel Folder.
      • Fixel Recolor - Installation Guide.url - Link for installation guide (This page).

Fixel Recolor - Automatic & Manual Installation

Automatic Installation
Automatic installation is done by:
  1. Ensure Photoshop is closed.
  2. Extract the ZIP file on the local hard drive.
  3. Launch the installer:
    • Windows - Fixel Recolor <MajorVerion>.<MinorVersion>.<BuildNumber> - Windows Installer.exe.
    • macOS - Fixel Recolor <MajorVerion>.<MinorVersion>.<BuildNumber> - macOS Installer.dmg.
  4. Follow installer instructions.
  5. Launch Photoshop and use the Plug In.
Manual Installation
If the automatic installer fails for some reason one might use manually installation which is robust and fail proof if done correctly. The assets for manual installation are in the Manual Installation Assets folder within the product ZIP file. Fixel Recolor is composed on 2 main components: HTML5 UI Panel and Photoshop Plug In. The installation steps are just about copying the 2 components into the respective folders (Depends on OS). The installation must be done while Photoshop is closed.
Installing the HTML Panel:
  1. Ensure Photoshop is closed.
  2. Extract the ZIP file on the local hard drive.
  3. Copy the HTML5 UI Panel Folder com.fixelalgorithms.fixelrecolor<MajorVersion> from Manual Installation Assets to:
    • Windows - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\.
    • macOS - /Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/.

Installing the Photoshop Plug In:
  1. Ensure Photoshop is closed.
  2. Extract the ZIP file on the local hard drive.
  3. Copy the Plug In File (Windows - Fixel Color Analyzer <MajorVersion>.8bf, macOS - Fixel Color Analyzer <MajorVersion>.plugin) from Manual Installation Assets to:
    • Windows - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Plug-ins\CC\Fixel Algorithms\.
    • macOS - /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Plug-ins/CC/Fixel Algorithms/.
    Create the folder Fixel Algorithms if it does not exist. Copying might require Administrator Privileges.
Once done installing both, launch Adobe Photoshop and start using Fixel Recolor.

Fixel Recolor - Installation & First Use Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How to Launch the Fixel Recolor UI?
Launching the UI is done like launching any HTML Panel in Photoshop: Window -> Extensions -> Fixel Recolor.

Launching Fixel Recolor UI
How to Launch Fixel Recolor on Adobe Photoshop CC (All Versions)

If you can't find it there, it means the UI wasn't installed properly.
What Is Fixel Algorithms -> Fixel Color Analyzer Under the Filter Menu?
As written above, Fixel Recolor use innovative algorithm to analyze an image and extracts its color palette. The filter Fixel Color Analyzer in the Filter Menu is used by Fixel Recolor to apply the algorithm on the user image. Since no such analysis is available in Photoshop we had to develop and implement the algorithm by ourselves. It is good it is there as it means the Plug In installation is successful. Yet the user shouldn't use it directly (Only use it through the UI).
The macOS Installer Won't Run
After double clicking the dmg file in the open window use Right Click + Open to launch the installer pkg installer.

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